Legalising and obtaining an official transcription of documents

Legalisation and transcription are tasks carried out by the cantonal authorities. This page informs you who to contact in Geneva in order to legalise documents to be presented to foreign authorities or to obtain an official transcription of civil status documents recorded abroad.

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Who is this procedure intended for?

This procedure is intended for:

  • anyone who needs to legalise documents to be presented to foreign authorities or to official representations established in Switzerland;
  • anyone who requires an official transcription of civil status documents which were recorded abroad.

How do I legalise documents?

The cantonal civil registry and legalisation office is authorised to legalise documents that need to be recognised either abroad or by official representations established in Switzerland. Several types of legalisation can be carried out:

  • legalisation by apostil;
  • simple legalisation;
  • legalisation by sworn translators;
  • certified copies.

The procedure for legalising documents intended for a foreign country is carried out through the State of Geneva. 

How do I obtain a transcription of civil status documents recorded abroad?

Civil status documents recorded abroad must be addressed to the cantonal civil registry and legalisation office.


Service cantonal de l'état civil et des légalisations

Article modifié le 25.09.2020 à 17:05