Submitting a request for financial aid for a cultural project in the field of music

This procedure enables cultural professionals to submit a request for financial aid for a cultural project in the field of music.

Encadré de relance

Who is this procedure intended for?

This procedure is intended for natural persons or legal entities domiciled and/or active in Geneva in the fields of creations, productions or events held, in principle, within the territory of the City of Geneva.

Support for musical creation relates to rehearsals and creative residences resulting in recordings and/or concerts in the City of Geneva. The recordings can give rise to different formats and media including singles, EPs, albums and video clips.

Support for events is intended for non-profit groups with a view to organising concerts and producing innovative formats of musical events within the territory of the City of Geneva.

In line with its historical remit of heritage creation and transmission, the City also supports popular music, primarily through music societies and choirs.

What are the deadlines for submitting applications?

Deadline for submitting applications: January 16th and September 4th 2023.

What to do?

Submit a complete application in pdf format only, consisting of the documents listed below:

For legal entities

  • The subsidy request form for a cultural project (to be found at the bottom of this page);
  • a cover letter addressed to the Department of Culture and Digital Transition of the City of Geneva;
  • a detailed description of the project;
  • the list of main participants in the project together with their CVs and contact details;
  • a detailed provisional budget and financing plan;
  • the documents specific to the cultural field (text excerpt, portfolio, recordings, etc.);
  • the articles of association;
  • the list of members of the Committee or Board;
  • the minutes of the last annual general meeting which approved the accounts;
  • the activity report from the previous year;
  • the audited operating accounts and balance sheet from the previous year;
  • a copy of the contract or certificate of affiliation to a provident institution or the “troisième pilier” (if the organisation is subject to this obligation);
  • the general provisions of the City of Geneva when granting a subsidy (to be found at the bottom of this page);
  • a document indicating the payment details;
  • a letter confirming the implementation of an internal auditing system (if the organisation is subject to this obligation).

For natural persons

  • The subsidy request form for a cultural project (to be found at the bottom of this page);
  • a cover letter addressed to the Department of Culture and Digital Transition of the City of Geneva;
  • a detailed description of the project;
  • the list of main participants in the project together with their CVs and contact details;
  • a detailed provisional budget and financing plan;
  • the documents specific to the cultural field (text excerpt, portfolio, recordings, etc.);
  • a copy of an ID document;
  • a certificate of independent status;
  • the general provisions of the City of Geneva when granting a subsidy (to be found at the bottom of this page);
  • a document indicating the payment details.

The application in pdf format should be sent to the following address:

How is the application processed?

Subsidies are allocated after the applications have been examined by the music commission, which meets twice a year. It is therefore necessary to comply with the deadlines indicated on this page.

The responses – positive or negative – are communicated in writing only, without indicating the reasons underpinning the decisions.

Composition of the contemporary music commission

  • Pascal Knoerr, cultural communication manager;
  • Marcus Gentinetta, cultural advisor to the Cantonal Office of Culture and Sport;
  • Elisabeth Stoudmann, music project developer;
  • Vanessa Horowitz, production manager.

Chairperson of the contemporary music commission

  • Jakob Graf, cultural advisor to the Department of Culture and Digital transition.

Composition of the classical music commission

  • Chiara Banchini, violinist;
  • Catherine Fuchs, teaching musician;
  • Marcus Gentinetta, cultural advisor to the Cantonal Office of Culture and Sport;
  • Gregory Régis, pianist and music teacher;
  • Rémy Walter, violinist and communication officer.

Chairperson of the classical and contemporary music commission

  • Eve-Anouk Jebejian, conseillère culturelle du Département de la culture et de la transition numérique.

Composition of the music and choirs commission

  • Andrew Ferguson; Administrative Director of HEMU-CL;
  • Vacant.

Chairperson of the music and choirs commission

  •  Jakob Graf, Cultural Advisor of the Department of Culture and Digital Transition.

What are the obligations?

A subsidy applies only to the activities agreed. It must be repaid, either in part or in full, if these activities are not completed. It cannot be transferred to a third party.

The beneficiary will mention the support received from the City of Geneva on all printed or multimedia documents published in relation to the project, in principle by inserting a logo available on the website.
As soon as the promotional documents (posters) are published, the beneficiary will submit a copy to Geneva Library (BGE) as a statutory deposit.

Once the project or event is complete, the beneficiary will provide an activity report together with the accounts and balance sheets audited in accordance with the type of control defined by the regulation governing the conditions for granting municipal subsidies LC 21 195 (article 7 and appendices 1 and 2).

An internal auditing guide for subsidised organisations presenting this internal auditing system and a guide indicating the accounting requirements for subsidised non-profit organisations and natural persons are available for download via the Subsidised organisations page.


Service culturel

Lundi au vendredi: de 8h à 12h et de 13h30 à 17h

Route de Malagnou 15-17




Article modifié le 12.03.2024 à 11:47