Do you need financial support to complete a project, continue your studies or just live decently? This page presents a list of resources available to the young people of Geneva looking for financial assistance.

Support for parents

The law (Art 277 of the Swiss Civil Code) states that parents must provide for their children until they reach the age of majority. If you are 18 or over and you have not completed your education, your parents must, as far as their means allow, continue to provide you with financial support if your education is completed within the normal time frame. Learn more on the federal page Maintenance: fathers’ and mothers’ maintenance obligation in the “Guide social romand”.

Health insurance subsidy for young adults

If you are aged between 18 and 25 and you live in the canton of Geneva, you are, and have been since 2010, entitled to a significant subsidy for your health insurance premiums. To obtain the subsidy, you must complete a form which must be returned to the health insurance service. More information on the state website: subsidy for young adults aged 18 to 25

Good deals and preferential rates in the fields of leisure, culture and sport

From preferential rates for young people to free admission in certain conditions, discover the different measures facilitating access to leisure, cultural and sporting activities in Geneva.

Hospice général

You can contact the duty officer of the Hospice général to determine if you are eligible for financial aid. This aid is intended for young people aged 18 to 22 following a training course or having dropped out and living either alone or with their parents.

Debt relief

Several associations or foundations in Geneva, such as Caritas Genève, the Centre social protestant or the Fondation genevoise pour le désendettement, help young people in a difficult financial situation, in particular to clear their debts.

Grants and study allowances

The Studies and employment section provides a number of avenues allowing you to finance your studies or training.

Financial support for activities in the field of young people

Non-profit organisations and groups organising activities implemented for and by young people can obtain financial aid or logistical support  (party materials, hire of community halls) from the City of Geneva.

The Youth fund of the DIP serves to support projects organised by and/or for young people.

Other forms of financial aid for young people

  • The Hans Wilsdorf Foundation provides donations to people in financial difficulty (debt relief, one-off aid, study grants) living in Geneva;
  • The guide Ariane, published by the Hospice général, lists the funds and foundations in a position to help you overcome a difficult situation.
The City of Geneva cannot guarantee that it has the very latest information concerning the local associations and institutions. If you notice a mistake, please inform the municipal authorities by sending an e-mail to


Service de la jeunesse

100 Rue de la Servette




Tél. +41224184500

Fax. +41224184501

Service de la jeunesse

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Article modifié le 15.08.2023 à 12:50