Urban vegetables

The range of seeds available in the shops is often limited. The Pro Specie Rara foundation, with the support of the City of Geneva, wants to promote diversity in our diet by encouraging city-dwellers to take tangible action – by growing delicious products on their balcony. Consequently, the  «urban vegetables» project provides access to a wide range of old varieties and encourages the development of a community of keen urban gardeners.

Adultes et enfants au milieu d'un potager urbain

You don't need a garden to grow tomatoes, lettuces and sweet peppers: a well-exposed balcony is quite sufficient. And you don’t need to be a gardening pro to grow a range of delicious varieties of tomato. ProSpecieRara is committed to keeping traditional tomatoes alive and well. Their seeds are carefully stocked and conserved, along with 1,600 other varieties of vegetables and plants.

A community of men and women gardening in town

The Tomates-Urbaines website brings together all those who are keen to grow a range of tomatoes and vegetables on their balcony or in front of the building. Sharing good practices, organising meetings, providing advice: the platform brings back old, forgotten gardening practices, much to everyone’s pleasure.


Service Agenda 21 - Ville durable: «Nourrir la ville»

Gaétan Morel

5, rue de l'Hôtel-de-Ville

1204 Genève


Tél. +41 22 418 22 42


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Article modifié le 20.09.2022 à 14:53