Food labels and certifications

To purchase high-quality local produce in Geneva, certain food labels and certifications provide valuable assistance in making choices to suit your quality requirements. This page presents a sample of these.

Gros plan sur des légumes dans des cagettes

Labels and certifications provide more or less demanding specifications involving controls (independent or otherwise) and a certain number of indications concerning product origin and production methods (traceability.

An indication to guide your choice

They rarely combine all requirements, are not without their shortcomings and are generally limited to specific criteria. They offer no absolute guarantee but provide valuable assistance in helping you make a choice in light of the complexity of information available about food products.

Some useful labels in Geneva

  • GRTA - Genève Région Terre Avenir: this guarantee mark identifies agricultural products from the region around Geneva;
  • AOC - controlled designation of origin and IGP - protected geographical indication: AOC and IGP products are high-quality Swiss specialities which display a strong link to the region in which they are made; 
  • Le Bourgeon de Bio Suisse: certifying organic goods produced according to the Bio Suisse directives, this label is the most demanding in Switzerland;
  • IP Suisse: this indicates products of Swiss origin made by means of an integrated production process (limited use of treatment products) which can be marketed at fair prices;
  • Fairtrade Max Havelaar: this indicates fairtrade products made in accordance with specific social, ecological and economic criteria; 
  • Pro Specie Rara: this identifies breeders and farmers committed to protecting and reproducing rare, old and even endangered breeds of animal and varieties of vegetable.

Online guide and information about food labels

The website of WWF Switzerland provides an online guide to help you adopt a more sustainable approach to eating. In particular, it includes recipes and information about food goods while also deciphering and evaluating a wide range of food labels.


Service Agenda 21 - Ville durable: «Nourrir la ville»

Gaétan Morel

5, rue de l'Hôtel-de-Ville

1204 Genève


Tél. +41 22 418 22 42


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Article modifié le 24.08.2023 à 13:42