Social crisis: the Maison Internationale des Associations returns to work online

The Maison Internationale des Associations (MIA), a partner of the City of Geneva, organised its return to work on Thursday 17 September, focusing on the topic of “The Health crisis: what consequences for the future of Geneva’s associative sector?” Due to the pandemic, this event was held online with the participation of Christina Kitsos, Administrative Councillor, Thierry Apothéloz, State Councillor, Ueli Leuenberger, President of the Fondation pour l’Expression Associative, and Sandro Cattacin, professor at UNIGE. 

Rentrée Associations

The covid-19 crisis has had a clear impact on the activities and finances of Geneva’s associations supported by the public authorities. To mark its return to work, the Maison Internationale des Associations invited representatives of the State Council and Administrative Council of the City of Geneva to present their respective projects aimed at supporting the associations in the coming years.

Responses on the MIA website

The responses of the following public figures expressing their support for the associations during the health crisis are available on the website of the Maison Internationale des Associations

  • Christina Kitsos, Administrative Councillor responsible for the Department of Social Cohesion and Solidarity;
  • Thierry Apothéloz, State Councillor responsible for the Department Social Cohesion;
  • Ueli Leuenberger, President of the Fondation pour l’Expression Associative, which manages the Maison des Associations; 
  • Sandro Cattacin, Professor of Sociology at the University of Geneva and co-author of the book “COVID-19 - Le regard des sciences sociales”.

Complementarity of the City and the associations

In her intervention, Christina Kitsos underlines the essential complementarity between the City and the associations in combating the growing inequalities brought about by the covid-19 health and socio-economic crisis. In particular, she applauded their expertise and commitment during the food distribution operations as well as their support for isolated senior citizens and for preventive actions for young people. This video can be downloaded directly at the bottom of the page.

In spring 2020, the Department of Social Cohesion and Solidarity decided to maintain all the nominative subsidies granted to the associations working in the social sphere, subject to certain recommendations. A survey is also currently being conducted in the form of a questionnaire issued to all subsidised associations in order to evaluate the impact of the crisis on their situation and to define their priority needs and the associated actions to be implemented.


Inès Légeret

Adjointe de direction en charge de l’unité vie associative

Tél. +41224184916


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Article modifié le 25.03.2024 à 08:55