The City of Geneva is committed to promoting volunteer work in the field of sport

In Geneva, volunteer work makes a major contribution to the quality and organisation of sports activities and to different sports-related events. Through a poster campaign, the organisation of events and support for volunteer training, the City promotes and highlights volunteer work in the field of sport.

Campagne bénévolat sportif 2023

From Wednesday 6 September, the City of Geneva will launch a poster campaign in the streets of Geneva to promote and highlight volunteer work in the field of sport. The three visuals used (see below) will also be displayed in the City’s sports facilities.

Volunteer work plays a pivotal role in our society, and in particular in the world of sport. In Geneva and elsewhere, it makes a major contribution to the quality and organisation of sports activities and to different sports-related events.

Support for clubs and associations in recruiting volunteer staff

Support for clubs and associations in recruiting volunteers is actually part of the sports blueprint 2022-2030 defined by Executive Councillor Marie Barbey-Chappuis. “Without volunteers, there would be no Course de l’Escalade or Geneva Marathon, and no popular sporting event,” states the magistrate responsible for the Department of Security and Sport (DSSP). “It is essential to help the 800 sports clubs in Geneva to maintain their pool of volunteers by developing an incentive system,” stresses Marie-Barbey-Chappuis.

Sports volunteer work festival

In addition to a promotional campaign, the DSSP organised the first sports volunteer work festival last December in partnership with the association Genève Bénévolat. The aim of this first edition, which brought together 450 volunteers, was to thank, promote and show recognition to the sports volunteers working in the different sports associations in Geneva. A second, similar event will take place on 13 December 2023.

Volunteer training

Volunteer training also plays an incentive role. While the acquisition of new skills benefits the clubs, it also allows volunteers to develop skills and know-how which may prove useful in an extra-sporting context.

Future “Maison du Sport”

On this topic, the opening of the future “Maison du Sport” – currently under construction close to the Bois-des-Frères sports centre – is a keenly awaited event. Financed by the City of Geneva, this facility will be made available to associations and clubs in Geneva with a view to creating synergies within the world of sport.

This “Maison du Sport” will provide a range of services with the aim of pooling resources for the sports associations under one roof (training, secretariat, communication, etc.), as well as enabling volunteers to share ideas and receive training.


Cédric Waelti

Département de la sécurité et des sports

Conseiller de direction en charge de la communication

Tél. +41 22 418 24 82

Por. + 41 79 596 19 79


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Article modifié le 06.09.2023 à 09:54