Cocorico project: hens in the city

The Cocorico project offers practical instructions for reintroducing chicken coops in cities and gardens.

Un enfant au milieu d'un poulailler

The breeding of non-hybrid Swiss hens also makes it possible to stimulate reflection on the place of the animal and food sovereignty in a society where industry now provides the vast majority of the meat that the population consumes.

A concrete way to rediscover the relationship between human beings and animals and the questions raised by animal husbandry is to set up a small chicken coop at home. Whether you are in the countryside or in the city, it is not forbidden to have hens, both as layers and as pets.

Examples of urban chicken coop projects

In recent years, thanks to the support provided by Cocorico, several chicken coops have been set up in the City of Geneva and in the surrounding urban municipalities, in particular:

  • a fixed chicken coop in the Cour-Corderie, managed by the user association of the same name. It has attracted considerable interest among the district’s inhabitants. The non-hybrid Swiss breeds of hen were provided by Cocorico;
  • a mobile chicken coop in the Parc Beaulieu, managed by the “Les Galinettes urbaines” association. The inhabitants take turns maintaining it on a daily basis in exchange for eggs;
  • a chicken coop installed at the foot of the Tours de Carouge.


Service Agenda 21- Ville durable

Gaétan Morel

Chargé de projets

Rue de l'Hôtel-de-Ville 5



Eaux-Vives Cité


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Article modifié le 08.06.2022 à 13:54